
There's a Bump on My Eye Part 2: Conjunctival Cyst

1:41 PM

Have you ever rubbed your eye and then noticed, a small clear bump on the white of the eye?  Usually rubbing will just cause redness, but sometimes excessive rubbing of the clear vascular tissue (the conjunctiva) that lays on top of the white of the eye (these sclera) can cause a cyst to form.  Think of it like a blister, like the ones you get on your feet when your shoes rub an area over and over again.  The good news:  these cysts are harmless.  The bad news:  they aren't very comfortable, and can be really hard to get rid of.

If you have a conjunctival cyst, the best thing you can do is avoid irritating it further -- that means no eye rubbing or poking at it try to get it to pop.  As you blink, you may feel the cyst under your eyelid, creating an uncomfortable irritation.  Over the counter artificial tears can help improve comfort, but until the cyst is gone, the irritation of it rubbing against your lid will persist.

This large cyst will probably require excision and drainage to fully heal.  You can see the blood vessels in the conjunctival tissue clearly here--if one gets nicked during the excision you may have a little bleeding.  This is why your surgeon is such a highly  trained professional!
How to Treat

You can try just using artificial tears and wait for the cyst to go away on its own, but sometimes a doctor's intervention can speed the process up quite a bit. Your eye care provider is going to check carefully to make sure nothing is trapped in the eye or eyelid that could be rubbing the area.  A little speck of dirt or debris could be your culprit. I have found that steroids (drops or ointments) can help decrease the size of the cyst, but they don't work with every patient.  For large, persistent cysts sometimes the only treatment is to get the cyst drained.  The procedure is painless (a topical anesthetic is used), but you may get a little bleeding due to the surrounding blood vessels in the conjunctival tissue.

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  1. I have a small one of these like the top picture. It is very irritating and I don't know how long I should "watch and wait" for it to go away on its own before having it treated. My eye doctor said it's a benign conjunctival cyst that he would typically leave alone unless symptomatic. Mine is definitely symptomatic! He said he could excise it, but that it may go away on its own. I just don't know how long to put up with the irritation before deciding to just cut the thing out! It's been about 8 weeks now. Any idea how long it takes for them resolve on their own?

  2. Typically I give my patients 1-2 weeks with symptomatic cysts to let them resolve on their own, and if it isn't going away, then I go ahead with excision. There really is no rule book on how long a cyst could last. I have seen several cysts that have been excised, and then later returned over a period of 6 months, so excision may not even be a permanent solution. At 8 weeks in, you probably are going to need it to be excised to experience relief because we can't predict how much longer it may take to go away by itself (or if it will!).

    1. I took pictures of whats on my eye and it looks identical to these photos! It has been there for about 3yrs but is just now starting to really bother me...I keep reading a few weeks, its been more then a few years! Is this bad? Everything I read says it does not require meducal attention but mine has clearly been there much longer then the times mentioned in ever post

    2. I highly recommend you see a doctor. The length you've had yours is suspicious and you should definitely get it evaluated.

    3. Mam,there is a white ulcer type on sclera and it's about 4 weeks left but it is still present in my left eye, i take draops after recommend by my doctor like Allergan,Plone and vigamox but there's no relief how do i solve it please suggest...
      and I have also been operated c3r...

    4. Please keep working with your doctor, or find a new specialist in your area if you aren't getting the answers you need. There are many different conditions that can cause white bumps on the eye, and not all of them are treatable. Once you have a definitive diagnosis, the doctor will be able to tell you if your case is treatable or not.

  3. Dr L thank you I have almost the same thing and 2 on my lid. going insane with itching
    8 weeks I think I would be blind

  4. Can an emergency room doctor remove it?

    1. @Palmer Moland, if your emergency room has the proper equipment and an oculoplastic ophthalmologist on call, absolutely. Other eye doctors may also be willing to remove these, but many times due to the risk for conjunctival hemorrhage they will refer to a specialist instead. No one wants you to have a red, bloody eye for the next 2 weeks when a cyst is considered annoying but harmless. Since this is a nonemergent condition they typically just refer you to an oculoplastic or anterior segment specialist at their personal office for the actual procedure where the equipment is better suited to prevent hemorrhaging during incision and drainage of the cyst.

    2. I had one.like in the upper pic,for a couple of years.Finally I asked my eye doc to deal w/it.It was easy,large needle,stick it in the cyst.drain it.Totally painless.BUT! It came back a few months later.Now? He says they will have to operate on it if I want it gone..Not sure if I should,or just leave it be.What would you do?

    3. If it has been there for a few weeks and isn't going away by itself, I would get it removed. The procedure for cyst excision and drainage (removal) isn't going to be much more invasive than what your doctor originally did, but they are going to make a much larger incision this time and the risks of if bleeding are much higher which is why your doctor is referring you to a specialist. The longer a cyst remains on the eye, the stiffer the tissue becomes, and it can cause real disruption to your tear film and increase irritation and dry eye the longer it's there since it is creating an uneven ocular surface.

    4. I realize this is an old post, but I think this would be a misuse of emergency room resources. It would be better to get a regular appointment with an ophthalmologist. I wouldn't consider this an emergency.

    5. I have same problem and i have been suffering from this longtime.. Anyone can please suggest a best Doctor in New Jersey for the same...

  5. Hi. I have this problem with my eye, only in my left eye, my right eye is fine. I don't know if the one in my eye is cyst or not. Yesterday, I saw a clear(bubble like) in my eye but its smaller than the picture above. I can only see it if I use a flashlight in my eye. Today, I checked it and its gone. This also happened to my eye last week, same thing happened..it was there and it went away and now it came back again. I have a feeling that there is something stuck in my eye. What do you think this is? I need your help, it will be so much appreciated.

    1. The best thing to do is schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. They will be able to properly assess what's going on and get you started on treatment to get your eye back to normal.

  6. Can this first start from soft and moveable? Can eyelids inflamed cause it? How about contact lenses? Can it cause harm to it?

    1. You are right, anything that rubs against your eye can cause a conjunctival cyst. It could be inflamed eyelids from allergies or a chronic inflammatory condition, it could be an inturned eyelash or a foreign body rubbing under your eyelid, it could be ill-fitting or old contact lenses that are now rubbing on the eye. Definitely finding the initial culprit is key to eliminating the cyst, because as long as their is active irritation across the area, it cannot fully heal.

  7. I have an uncommon case of fluid behind the Conjunctiva (doctor managed) resulting from post AMLsymptoms. My conjuntiva,looks like a bubble eye fish some days worse than others,no pain, just discomfort. I'm afraid if it goes on too long (been @1mo. Niw this way)eventually it'll tear or blow. In its peak, hard to see also. Currently on dehydrating drops to soothe it. Ever head of what to do for this &/or why?

    1. It sounds like something more aggressive than just a simple cyst if your entire conjunctiva looks elevated, not just 1 small area. It could be an inflammatory reaction (the entire conjunctiva can swell in cases of significant allergic or acute inflammation). Luckily the conjunctiva really can't blow out, so you don't have to worry about that. It would take way more force than fluid within the conjunctiva to cause the conjunctiva to tear.

  8. I have 2 cyst right beside ea h other in the white of my eye. Feels like I have so,etching in ,y eye. Dr put me on steroid for 10 days then back to see them, if not gone then she will send me to octuculplastic dr, who will drain it or take the cyst. Taking the cyst out sounds painful!!!! I know the numb it out won't I be laying there watching him til he finishes. What exactly does he have to do? Will I have to wear a patch??

    1. It is a very quick and easy procedure! They will use a drop to numb the eye and then drain each cyst with a small incision. Afterwards no patch or sutures are needed. Your doctor will put you on antibiotic drops or an ointment to encourage healing for a few days and that's it. There's a chance you might get a subconjunctival hemorrhage (bleeding) at the incision site, but if you do it will be reabsorbed in around a week.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Dr. LJanuary 14, 2016 at 7:02 PM
      Since I'm not familiar with your individual case, I can't really accurately advise you on specifics but those are definitely good questions for your doctor! Cyst is a general term for retained fluid, but as you have found there are all different types. Your doctor can best advise you on the type you have and the specifics for how it is best managed. I'm an optometrist (primary care eye doc) so I would refer these types of questions to a specialist called an oculoplastic ophthalmologist who is trained specifically in the details you are asking about. Kind of like a dermatologist being better able to answer specific questions about a skin lesion than your primary care doctor can. If your questions get to the right person (if not your doctor then they should be able to put you in touch with a specialist who can evaluate your eye) I know you will be able to get more specific answers.

    2. Following a week on steroids eye drops, my 2 cysts are just one now, so onto weaning off the steroid drops. Question, I started weaning off yesterday, and last night I started seeing flashes of light in that eye. Granted is all same eye, but I don't know

    3. You should call and see your doctor. Flashes of light could indicate a serious medical condition and worth ruling out a retinal detachment.

    4. Thanks for the advice. I was sent to a retina dr today and he did lots of tests and thoroughly looked at my eye and retina. He said that the gel is pulling away from the retina but there are no tears. Or detachment, but to watch any of it getting worse. I also will be rechecked in 6 weeks. That it would detach or tear. So right now it is watch and see.

  10. I have 4 cysts besides eachother in the white area of my eyeball, my doctor punctured 2 cysts earlier but the got filled again. Doctor said if it gets filled again thn we will cut it sugically. I was checking here some people say they disappear by themself but i have 4 cysts I am really scared that is this something serious. Plz help me, should i get them removed? Or i should wait?

    1. Luckily conjunctival cysts are not dangerous, just annoying, so nothing to be worried about from a health perspective. They are typically caused by friction, just like a water blister on the bottom of your foot. Something is rubbing your eye and causing the cyst to form -- typically this is a result of chronic allergies or chronic dry eye. If the cysts have been there longer than a month you will likely have to get them surgically removed.

  11. Thank you Dr. L for all of your responses. I have had a cyst and it has been scaring me, even after a trip to the Opthamologist. Reading this thread has put my mind and great ease and will practice patience and not rubbing my eye.

  12. Can these things move around in the eye? Mine started on my sclera and seems to have moved now encroaching my iris.

    1. It is possible for the cyst to seem to move because it's just a pocket of fluid trapped under the white of the eye. It shouldn't go past the junction with the cornea (visibly where your iris starts). If it does it is likely not a conjunctival cyst and you should see a doctor to get the correct diagnosis.

    2. I have a cyst that is on the iris and seems to be moving. It seems like there was something in my eye for a bit, but wasn't bugging me too much, then I woke up yesterday and my eye was all red. I went to an optometrist, and he wanted to send me to a specialist, which I will see on Monday, but meanwhile, whatso your opinion? The optometrist I saw said it was a few cysts with blood vessels going through them. What happens now?

    3. Make sure you see the specialist your doctor referred you to! Over the internet there is no way to give you appropriate healthcare advice since I can't examine your unique eyes!

  13. I keep getting these cysts in my left eye. It started right before Christmas and they will last about a week and then go away and then I'll get a new one, always in a different spot. Drives me crazy because it turns the white of my eye red. I've used lubricated eye drops and ibuprofen and hot wash cloths. The other thing I've tried was Claritin and it cleared me up really well for a week and now they are back. I'm trying allergy eye drops but so far those don't seem to be working.

    1. Definitely you need to get this checked out. If it is truly a recurrent cyst, there has to be something rubbing your eye. Maybe you have an eyelash poking you, or maybe it's allergies rubbing your eyes, or maybe it's dryness causing your eyelids to scrape and rub the white of your eye as you blink. It's better to know what the culprit is and treat it than to just try things at random; the treatments you try out could make things worse! For example, taking Claritin if dryness is the culprit can make the cysts return in a week or two because anti-histamines cause dry eye as a side effect. Your doctor can find the cause of your cyst and get the proper treatment to prevent future recurrences.

    2. Found out the bumps/redness in my eye is from sunburn. It's worse in the winter when the sun reflects off the snow and I hardly have any problems in the summer because I wear sunglasses more.

  14. Does it make sense that my eye/cyst feels better when I'm wearing my contact lenses than when I'm not?

    1. Does your contact lens cover the cyst? If so it may be protecting your eye from rubbing against it. Another potential reason is if your cyst is from your eyelids or a reaction under your eyelids rubbing your eye. A contact lens would prevent your eyelids from rubbing your cornea directly, which would reduce sensitivity. A visit to your doctor can better explain what's going on in your individual case!

  15. I have little ones in my bottom eyelid and they are really small sort of look like eye boogers but they are not

    1. If your bumps are on your eyelid instead of the white of the eye they are likely something different. If you haven't been diagnosed by a doctor yet it would be worth getting a firm diagnosis so you know whether you need treatment or not.

  16. Hi Dr L. I had a small clear fluid bubble on my left eye white near my nasal side in Jan 15. It tends to cause me pink eye a few times in the daytime. I tried Alcon Naphcon-A Ee drops. It clears pink eyes wonderfully and the bubble subsided. However after using it for a week, I realized that it started to lose its effectiveness and in fact it got even pinker. I decided to see a doctor in Mar 16; he asked me to look up and to the left and he then lanced it with a needle at the bottom corner of my left eye white and drained the fluid out. Was put on antibiotics for 5 days, followed by a month on Patanol. The blood in my whites also cleared after 4-5 days from the lancing. Since then, the bubble isn't there anymore but the area where he lanced it is a little yellowish. That's something I can live with since its in a corner and not very visible.
    However now, whenever I wake up every morning, my left eye is pink, which clears gradually after 5-10 minutes. Then thru out the day, it stays white, unless if I am browsing my iPhone for half hour or longer, it starts to get a little pink again. Come evening after dinner and shower, if I get on my iPad or PC for an hour, I notice that my left eye again starts to pink up to reddish colour. There's no pain but it's just an irritation.
    I then went to another doctor who told me the yellow is due to the wound (she said there's no guarantee it will turn white again, but it might over time). She also did a dry eye test on both eyes and said my reading for is 2 for the left and 7 for the right. She said I have dry eye on my left which is 'probably' what is causing my pink eye because she said when we watch iPad, we tend to blink less and that causing my left eye to get even drier resulting in pink eye.
    But I forgot to ask her, why is my left eye pink in the morning when I wake up ? Because since my eyes are shut during sleep, how did my left eye get to be dry and pink up ?
    I am very irritated by this condition of mine. I know it's not sight threatening but please please help. Its just sooooo annoying. Thank you for reading this long post. Best.

    1. Hello! I have to preface this by saying I can't diagnose anything specifically for you because I've never evaluated your eyes, but you make a point that I want to address that I think could help both you and others. Many, many people wake up with redness because they don't actually sleep with their eyes fully or tightly shut. It's a condition called lagophthalmos, where your eyes are closed but not tightly sealed as you enter deeper sleep. As a result, even a small gap in our eyelids can lead to extreme drying out overnight because we don't blink in our sleep. Ceiling fans and CPAP devices can make the drying out even worse. For patients waking up with dryness, I recommend they use a gel or ointment tear drop before bed. Refresh gel, Genteal gel, and Lacri-lube are great options. Within a few weeks there should be significant improvement as the tissue begins to heal, but I often have to supplement with patients wearing an eye mask overnight if they prefer direct airflow overhead as they sleep.

    2. Thanks Dr L for the reply. Yes I know you wouldn't know my eyes but just hoping that you may have come across similar symptoms with your patients.
      In my case, I don't think it's a case of dry eyes or my eye lids not fully closing during sleep, as I have never had such problem before. The doctor I saw also thought so; she recommend Genteal Gel (without preservatives) before sleep. However, when I applied it, I felt a slight stinging and I thought it was normal but this stinging didn't go away even after 5 mins. So I went to wash the Gel off and saw that my eye was VERY pink from the irritation.I then threw away the Gel. I guess I am allergic somehow or I might have sensitive eyes.
      After this Genteal Gel episode, I have decided to lay off ALL eye drops or medication and to let the eye heal itself over time. I also am making a mental note to rest my eyes more often in between iPad internet surfing.
      Since last week I have started consuming Omega 3 ny external medication at all and I have also started consuming 600mg DHA fish oil daily, and also Beri juice for tired eyes every 2-3 days.
      I have realized all these helps and my eye isn't as pink in mornings and evenings, but just a little. It's improvement at least. I will see how much improvement over the next 2-6 months. Thanks again. 😃

  17. I have a cyst in both eyes that go over the color area too. They are larger than the width of a pea and stick out of my eye. When I wake in the morning sometimes I have blurry vision and lately have blurry vision on and off throughout the day. Any suggestions? Thanks

    1. Definitely make an appointment with your eye doctor. Based on your description it sounds more like a pterygium or pinguecula than a conjunctival cyst and it should definitely be investigated if you have blurry vision.

  18. Hi, I had a conjuctional cyst for over s year and nothing helped. This past Monday I had it removed. My doctor numbed my eye and cut it off. He gave me eye drops that are a combination of antibiotics and cordisteroids. How long does it take for the eye to heal? I didn't get stitches. But it still feels annoying and the layer looks uneven. Does this go away?

    1. I would definitely contact your doctor to see if they expect these symptoms at this point in your recovery.

  19. Hi, I recently had a conjuctional cyst removed. It was cut off. It's been about week. How long does it take to heal? It still feels sore and looks uneven. Which I feel and it is very annoying.

  20. This is the exact thing I have but I only get them when I wake up and they last for about two hours then they disappear but I get them back the next time I wake up

    1. Sounds like something is rubbing your eye while you sleep. Your doctor should be able to investigate!

  21. just had my conjuctiva cyst removed today and looking for post op care procedures and timeline for healing. Dr. L any chance you can elaborate as to how long the recovery and what causes conjuctival cyst to begin with?

    1. Healing depends on a lot of variables personal to you (size of the cyst, location, other medications you take) so this is a question your personal doctor will be best able to answer. What caused the cyst could be a number of things but it is most commonly due to something rubbing your eye. An inturned eyelash, chronic dry eye, even you if you rub your eye often during the day. Again your doctor will be able to give you a better idea of what caused yours.

  22. Hi Doctor,
    since one year I have noticed a small pimple on the sclera of my right eye and after it has enlarged and grow slightly on the cornea causing blurry vision with red blood vessels on the sclera Please can you advise.

    1. You should definitely see a doctor. It could be a benign growth from sun damage but a cancerous lesion needs to be ruled out.

  23. What are the main differences in appearance between a conjunctival cyst and a pingueculum. The one I have looks clear. If i move my lower lid a bit, it moves. I know a doc will need to diagnose for sure, but what are your thoughts?

    1. Generally what you describe sounds more like a cyst, but we can't be certain without checking it under a microscope slit lamp.

  24. Hi Doctor , I also have a small swelling in sclera from last 2 weeks , I have consulted with an eye specialist , as per the diagnose no need to take medicine now if its getting bigger we can remove, whether we have any medicine or eye drops as the treatment for cure this permantly.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You need to see your eye doctor ASAP, either the specialist or your regular eye doctor. Either one can help. It's impossible to know why you are having these symptoms over the Internet, but a comprehensive ocular evaluation will help your doctor give you answers.

  26. I've conjunctivitis for almost 6 days.and now my right eye is developing a bubble like substance on the white part. It is very uncomfortable!(it is quite big) What can of make of this Dr? How to treat it?

    1. Definitely schedule to see your eye doctor! It could be a condition called nodular episcleritis that needs aggressive medical treatment.

  27. My daughter she is 6 month infant have a small bubble cyst on the white part of her eyeball since her birth. I toke her to eye doctor and they Inject in the bubble, the bubble is still there and the second doctor told me to just leave it till the bubble grow or until she feel pain.
    would you please tell me how I can threat her eye and is any way to take care of it for good and remove it.

    1. Without evaluating her eye myself under the microscope, I really can't give any medical opinions. If you don't feel like you've found the answers you need from the doctors she has seen so far, I'd recommend scheduling with another ocular specialist for a second opinion.

  28. What should I do if I forgot about the cyst and rubbed my eye really hard and it popped? I have only had it for about 3 days! Right now it feels fine, but it literally just popped earlier tonight!

    1. They don't typically pop; definitely see your eye doctor.

  29. Dr. L. I have this it came up this past Saturday and had gotten bigger, feels like a stick in my eye and my eye hurts. I've been using the lubricant drops but it's still very irritating. I currently am out of work and have no insurance and very limited income. Is there any way to find an eye doctor that will do a free exam on my eye??

    1. You can apply for Care Credit to defer the cost of the exam, but typically medical exams run around $100 for a visit just to give you an expected ballpark. Any doctor that takes insurance isn't legally allowed to give free exams to people without insurance as a policy -- they have to have the same prices for the same services for insurances and cash pay alike, otherwise it's insurance fraud. So you'd have to find a doctor that takes no insurance at all to even try to find a free clinic.

  30. Hi Dr. L,

    I have had a very small (size of pin-head; hasn't changed in size) conjunctival cyst for just over a year now and it hasn't really bothered me at all. It's located on left eye, just next to the conjunctiva toward the nose in the white portion of eye. I've had mild symptoms of dry-eye & some irritation but nothing that is making me uncomfortable. I know you mentioned in previous comment "The longer a cyst remains on the eye, the stiffer the tissue becomes, and it can cause real disruption to your tear film and increase irritation and dry eye the longer it's there since it is creating an uneven ocular surface." Even though its not bothering me too much, should I still have it removed due to the length its been there & chance its not removing on its own?

    I just hesitate a bit to go through the procedure and having to deal with any after-effects from excision & eye drops if I don't have to, if the cyst is harmless and not going to cause major issues in the future. I just had a papilloma removed from the other eye-lid yesterday and healing from that, and I am going back to have the OP look at this cyst to get full opinion. I thought I'd get your opinion as well. I am usually always wanting to remove anything that has potential to be worse in the future but I'm not sure about this one as it seems like most cysts will return and post-procedure isn't the most pleasant experience with some long-term damage.

    Also, I do a lot of work on computers and I have some chronic dry-eye from prolonged use. I know you can't recommend, but do you see benefit in using those computer glasses (non-Rx) advertised with anti-reflective glare, contrast control, & other technology to help reduce dry-eye/fatigue ? I was going to ask my OP if they can write a prescription for the regular computer glasses to see if insurance will cover; otherwise I may buy a pair retail.

    1. Hello! Hard to know about your cyst - is the eye with the cyst more uncomfortable than the other eye? If not, leaving it alone may be fine. Your doctor can give you a better opinion after they evaluate it of course. As far as computer glasses go, definitely your doctor can prescribe something for fatigue! I personally prefer Crizal Prevencia or Transitions XTRActive in brown instead of yellow tinted lenses like Gunnars for computer fatigue, but your doctor can show you the pros and cons and visual effects of all of these options so you can chose what is best for you.

  31. Dr. L, thank you for the prompt reply. As far as the eye with small cyst vs. other without cyst, its hard to tell the difference. The only thing I can tell is--now that I'm aware of it--a slight dryness where the cyst is located and sometimes a bit of tearing. I did notice some small fluid bubbles moving around & popping as I inspected the eye. I think that may have been from the artificial tears I put in for dryness. I am meeting with OP next Wed., but so far until we inspect further I am leaning toward trying artificial tears/lubricant drops for dryness and leaving it for now. If it becomes bothersome where its causing worsening drying I may remove it then, but we'll see how it goes. Its just hard to tell right now the feeling of the left eye because I am dealing with my right eye healing from the skin-tag removal from the lid and now having to instill erythromycin oint q8h which is tedious blurring my vision. And, my eyelashes are really long and they got singed with the cauterizer so they are causing some irritation as well. Is it okay to cut eyelashes shorter on the eyes to avoid the tangling & irritation from them? I may ask if its possible to do that in clinic.

    Thank you for glasses recommendations, I have heard good reviews on the Crizal brand. Are these glasses generally prescribed & covered under most insurances? I've never had glasses or needed prescription lenses as my vision is still 20/20 but if anything can help CVS, eye-straining & fatigue I am on board with trying it out. Any recommendations on the ergonomic ways of using the computer screen to reduce eye strain? I've heard of the 20-20-20 rule, sit higher up than the screen, sit 20-28 inches from the screen, adjust screen brightness/contrast, and the glasses. Any other tips on battling dry-eye & such is appreciated.
    Thank you!

  32. Dr. L, I have severe dry eye, sicca, allergies, almost 50 years of severe myopia, and one episode of diabetic retinal bleeding. Now I have a recurring cyst on my right eyeball; it has 4 individual bubbles that are lined up together. I have had them drained (with four separate needles each time) 3 times in about 18 months. My doctor wants to refer me to an opthamological surgery clinic. I'm very wary of going to any doctor who has not confirmed all my conditions, and who may or may not run her own tests. I've seen the same eye doctor since 1988! He knows my eyes and has kept me seeing for a long time, considering all my problems. My question to you is, in your opinion, is my cyst condition really that bad, filling up three times in 18 months? Would a surgery for a recurring large cyst not present an unneccessary risk for someone with my ocular history? My immune system is compromised by the enbrel and methotrexate I take for rheumatoid arthritis. When I have to stop this treatment for other types of surgery, it makes my dry eye symptoms much worse. In fact, I suspect that is why the cysts filled up again, because I recently stopped my enbrel in order to have hand surgery and my eyes got very dry and I developed an SPK twice in the past month. I guess my real issue is that I don't trust anyone other than myself and my current eye doctor to thoroughly consider the pros and cons of more invasive surgery, given my multiple conditions. Any advice would be appreciated.

    1. I honestly don't have much advice to give. Without examining you myself I'm in a position where offering personal medical advice is really impossible. Your doctor is the one most familiar with your case, and if they are referring you to someone else for care, then I would recommend following their recommendation.

  33. Thank you. As I reread my query, I realized that would be the only move that made sense. I'm hoping to speak with my doctor again rather than immediately signing up for the outside appointment, and I will convey this to the scheduling nurse. Thank you for reading and responding so quickly.

  34. Can you tell me what the difference is between episcleritis and conjunctival cysts? Confused they sound similar.

    1. So they can both cause nodules to appear on the eye, but they have some distinct differences. Conjunctival cysts are clear fluid-filled cysts under the conjunctival tissues (the top vascular layer that lies over the white of the eye). The usually don't have associated inflammation unless you've been actively rubbing at them. Episcleritis is an inflammation of the episclera, the vascular layer right above the sclera but under the conjunctiva. Nodules in episcleritis will be solid, not clear fluid filled cysts - they'll look more like solid, hardened lumps within the area of red inflammation on the eye.

  35. What would you say if someone had a surgery for a detached retina and got it fixed with a buckle and then above the stitching on the middle left hand side of the eye there formed white pimples on top of the stitching? Would that be a cyst or something else?

    1. It's possible to get a cyst over the area of the buckle due to excess rubbing, or the bump could be a granuloma (and area of inflammation). Definitely should see your doctor to be properly diagnosed.

  36. Thanks for the article Dr. L.
    I just saw a patient today (16YO B F) who had a small inclusion cyst on the inferior conj of the right eye. She had symptomatic allergic conjunctivitis and rubbed her eyes frequently. At the end of the day I did a quick Google search to show a friend and your article came up! Keep up the great work!

  37. I had strabismus surgery on the 26th of April 2017 afterward on March 3rd I developeda a medium cyst on my left eyeball. So I went in to see him on March 3rd my eye doctor and he said I'll give it three weeks to heal go away with the ointment. So I saw him again on March 30th to which was still there and bigger. So he told me he could take care of it in office. So he started getting out the numbing stuff and he put it on there and then he gave me a Q-tip to hold over it with other numbing stuff. Then came back in and he poked it and start squishing it. And after I popped a hole in the he said I can't do this it's filled with liquid it's not hard like I thought it would be. So I have to have surgery on June 28th. And I'm really worried what is this thing pops before then it's huge and red and ugly?

    1. Definitely if you feel things are getting worse schedule to see a doctor sooner. If you want to get another specialist's opinion, that is absolutely at your discretion as the patient!

  38. Hi how risky having a episcleritis? I just found it. Im not that sure that it was a cyst but based on symptoms it may looked like episcleritis or conjunctiva. I hope i can an advise.

  39. Hi i found a cyst in the top of my left eye. It seems that it something hard but moveable. Please let me know how to identify if what kind of cyst is this.

    1. You really need to see a doctor! It is impossible accurately diagnose or treat this condition over the internet or with photos.

  40. I have a small one like in the picture above. In the same exactly place too. It feels like a very tiny stone in my eye, and it seems to have gotten a little harder since a week ago since I have last looked at it. Is there any home remidies for financially poor people to help get rid of it. It has recently started making the right side of my head hurt. It's located on the outside part of my whites.

    1. There is no at home remedy, only a doctor can properly diagnose and treat this condition.

  41. Dr. L, I started having irritation in my right eye to the point of not being able to open it. I realized up on the top of my eye under my eyelid was like a bump but not clear or fluid filled just a bump. This bump has been rubbing my eyelid raw.I went to the Dr. and he gave me antibiotic drops and it doesn't seem to be making much of a difference after 2 days of using them. Is this a quick or slow recovery? What would be causing this or any idea what it is? I can open my eye and function now but it's still pretty irritating. Any thoughts?

    1. It can be slow to recover but just make sure you keep seeing your doctor for all follow-up as recommended.

  42. I have a small clear bubble on the white of my eye close to my pupil. It is tiny and not too noticeable in certain light. I notice after I take my contacts off it looks like it deflates and at first I thought it had gone away. It's been going on 3 weeks and it's still there. I have had clear little bumps before and they seemed to go after a few days. Getting nervous about it and not sure how long to give it or exactly what it it. It is tiny.

    1. Stop wearing contact lenses abs schedule with your doctor! If it gets better when you stop wearing lenses, it could be a sign your contact lenses are rubbing and irritating your eyes.

  43. I've had mine for 4 years it's not getting better. Getting worse actually. I've tried the drops my Dr gave me but still it only helps a short time. My Dr said if they go in it could cause scar tissue and it could hurt my eye worse. I'm freaking out because it's been here long enough what do I do

    1. Schedule with your doctor and discuss surgical options for removal. With being present for 4 years, surgical removal is the most likely option for treatment.

  44. I have a possible cyst located on the top of my eye, that I am not able to actually see. It bothers me when my eye is dry and at night. I was told by my optometrist to use Muro 128 ointment. I have used it for a few days, but it doesn't seem to help and it causes my pupil to be constricted, red sclera, and dry eye the next day. Do you have any other suggestions, or should I see an ophthalmologist?

    1. If you are having irritation from the Muro ointment you should contact your doctor and let them know. A different treatment approach may work better for your specfifc case.

  45. I recently had minor trauma to my eye. My 5lb Pomeranian took a running leap and landed directly in my open eye while I was lying on the sofa. 2 days later I noticed redness which seemed normal since I had a paw in my eye but hours later I noticed a pink bubble next to my iris. I was pretty scared. I went to urgent care the next day and they gave me drops and said wait 2 days to see if it got any better. 2 days?? Does that even seem right? Or are they trying to get more money from me? I feel like 2 days is hardly enough time to see a difference in anything. So far, 15 hours later ( out of the 48 they gave me, I see no difference. Hasn’t gotten better or worse) he said it was minor swelling in the conjunctiva of my eye from the paw stomp on my eye. I don’t have money to throw away every 2 days. It’s not as round and clear as the above picture. It’s slighyly raises and pink with blood vessels going from it to the inner corner of my eye. No vision loss. It’s just making my entire eye sore, and not getting any better.

    1. It does sound like inflammation to the conjunctiva, but the only way to treat this is to see your doctor! Without care your inflammation can get worse.

  46. My name is JAMES

    Waooh I am so happy to be hear Dr you too much really helping people nay God bless you so much

    Pls help me I have this cyst in my eye,
    last year I did cataract operation after that operation in 4 months time this cyst appeared in my eye, I visit my doctor again he talk about removing it by operation again, at that point I was afraid because the first operation I did kept me at home for months waiting for my eye to normalized because I could not come outside to see the sky with my eyes don't even on lights in my house, it really disorganized me for months could not go to work as well, and mine is big now I want to ask is there no eye drops that can melt it out? Or other solution to it? Because I don't like using my ears to hear operation

    Pls is any other solutions state it out, if any eye drop can do it put down the names big thanks. Waiting to hear from you tnks

    1. Everyone's case is different, but ask your doctor if there are any drops you could try! Without seeing your particular case, I really can't make a specific recommendation.

  47. Dr.L my name is mike an i have a growth on the outside of my left eye, it can't be seen unless I spead my eye lid open, it's kind of large, how can get it to get smaller? It only bothers me when I look at it, what should I do? Please help me

    1. Definitely schedule with your eye doctor! To properly diagnose and treat, you'll need an in-person eye exam with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

  48. Hi dr L,
    I have seen 4 eye specialists for a clear bump on my conjunctiva (with foreign sensation pain) that comes every morning then goes away. I was told it’s just dry eye but one thought it was conjunctival cyst or inclusion cyst and told me I may need surgery if it doesn’t go away. I was reading online about Lymphangiectasia and was wondering what’s the difference between that and cysts and what kind of doctor can properly diagnose or treat me?

    1. Lymphangiectasia is a specific type of conjunctival cyst. Typically lymphangiectasia will look like multiple small cysts in an isolated area. It's caused by a dilation of the lymphatic vessels in that area, but could be associated with vascular conditions or thyroid conditions. An eye doctor will be able to differentiate between the two, and may order some blood work to help uncover causes if they feel it is lymphangiectasia. I'd recommend consulting with an oculoplastic specialist. These are specialist eye doctors that specifically operate on and around the eye, so they'll be the best at discussing treatment options.

  49. Dr L, My right eye has been getting Long mucusy things that I can pull out. I’ve always had them. This time is different. My eye felt like it was wrapped in the mucus like a ball of yarn. I could pull out one after another.... I went to my eye doctor and I’m being treated for eye allergies. However, my right eye feels like there is something caught up inside the top outside (meaning near my eyebrow area) of my eyeball. That’s been there since last month when I saw my eye doctor. I went for a 2 week follow up and she said it looked clearer to her than before. My insurance won’t cover my refill of eye drops. I haven’t been pulling the mucus out bc I read that causes more. This is so annoying. I’ve never had dry eyes until I started using the drops. I’m also a type 1 diabetic. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! Terry

    1. Definitely avoid pulling anything from the eye, as it could cause a recurrent mucus formation (called mucus fishing syndrome). Because everyone's eyes are unique, the only way to treat ocular disease is through an in person eye exam.

  50. I have retention cyst on my mole in sclera (white part) of eyeball since 2016 and now it is growing now I think it is entering in Iris so, my doctor recommend me operation for its removal...So what do yo think I should opt for operation or not???

    1. Definitely follow the recommendation of your doctor! Without examining you personally at an in office exam, I cannot make any appropriate recommendations.

  51. DR.L i had a small cyst on my right eye white area, it usually well noticed in early morning, i have consulted ophthalmologist as he suggested, i did hot compression twice daily and massage to the eye, but it will disappear when i do this and again comes in next morning. pls advice.

    1. If your doctor prescribed you hot compresses, it sounds like you may have meibomian gland dysfunction. You can either return to your doctor or if you want a second opinion, schedule with another ocular surface or dry eye specialist, and get more aggressive treatment.

  52. I have the same exact formation on my right eye in the corner close to my nose. I went to my eye doctor today and he took a needle and pop the cyst. But the growth came back the same day. Right now, I am just going to put artificial tears in and see where I am in a week.

  53. Dr. L, think I have one of these but it glasses up only once or twice a week for like an hour or sometimes all day. But I feel if I make an appointment with someone in advance if I go and there isn't a current flare up there won't be anything to see/examine so I haven't done anything about it . It's been around for over a year but like I said comes and goes depending on the day. Feel like it's wisew the next day after iI' in the sun for an extended period of time the day before.

  54. I have one of those water like spot near the eye from 1 month and the area is little bit red too..
    How can I get rid of it??
    Is it dangerous to my eye..
    I can see the clear view..

  55. I've had a clear bubble like this for a few months, but it only appears late at night or when I first wake up. Not every day.and it usually goes away after about 30 minutes (after I use eye drops in the morning). Is this something I'm going to have forever?

    1. The most likely culprit for a recurrent conjunctival cyst is chronic dry eye. Definitely schedule with your eye doctor to get tested for this condition - if this is the cause, treating your dry eye would prevent the cysts from reforming.

  56. Dr. L, I have had a Conjunctival cyst for 10 days now. Went to Doctor and was told to put cold compress on it. Has not went away and he is on vacation for another week. My eye got a little redness on the other side from cyst but some redness went away after putting in artificial tears for a few days. How long will cyst last. It is on the white part of eye and is not that big to affect vision or discomfort.

    1. For some people, the cyst may not go away without surgical treatment to drain the fluid out. I recommend finding an oculoplastic ophthalmologist in your area for an opinion as to whether surgery would be required.

  57. My newborn was born with one of these.looks exactly like that. Has had it his entire life. 8 weeks. Is that normal in a newborn?

    1. Definitely I would seek an eye doctor in your area that specializes in pediatric care. It could be a dermoid cyst on the white of the eye which are congenital (would appear at birth).

  58. I have one and my eye doctor has me using muro 128. Hope it helps because I’m not wanting to have it lanced!

  59. I have one that looked like the first picture! It just showed up a few days ago and it’s driving me crazy!!! I can’t even sleep it’s so annoying!!! I woke up this morning and it was still there, then later this afternoon I checked it and it was gone! So then I went and took my makeup off and it just now showed up again... could taking my makeup off with a makeup removing wipe irritate it and cause it to reappear? I’m only 18 and the thought of getting it removed is kind of freaking me out... what should I do?!

  60. I have one that looked like the first picture! It just showed up a few days ago and it’s driving me crazy!!! I can’t even sleep it’s so annoying!!! I woke up this morning and it was still there, then later this afternoon I checked it and it was gone! So then I went and took my makeup off and it just now showed up again... could taking my makeup off with a makeup removing wipe irritate it and cause it to reappear? I’m only 18 and the thought of getting it removed is kind of freaking me out... what should I do?!

    1. Definitely any irritant like the preservatives in makeup removing wipes could reaggravate it. Schedule to see your doctor if it's still there!

  61. I'm pretty sure this is what I have but yesterday I turned 19 and lost insurance and dont have a job to get new insurance but it is driving me crazy and dont know what to do because I cant afford a doctor

  62. Is this considered medical so that my medical insurance (BCBS) would cover it with an ophthalmologist?

    1. Conjunctival cyst would be considered a medical diagnosis, yes!
