
Dry Eye Relief Without A Prescription: The Science Behind Retaine MGD

artificial tear 7:00 AM
Overwhelmed by over the counter rewetting drop products?  You aren't alone.  My patients repeatedly come in confused by the selection on the shelf, and often using the completely wrong product for their personal ocular needs.  If your eyes are dry, watery, scratchy, irritated, red, filmy or just overall uncomfortable, you likely have dry eye.  A trip to your local eye doctor can confirm...

Artificial Tears: A Guide to Selecting the Right Drop for You

blink 3:41 PM
Is there anything more overwhelming than the artificial tear aisle at your drug store or pharmacy?  Take 10 minutes and stake it out if you are curious.  You will see poor lost souls wander up and down in frustration, comparing bottle labels that could be written in a foreign language for all they tell you, and then landing on the familiar: Visine.  Oh...