Trend-Setting Sunglasses 2015


The biggest trend for eyewear this year?  Make a statement.  There's no denying the most buzz-worthy eyewear this year has been daring and different.  Eyewear collections for 2015 have been all about pushing your fashion limits and taking a chance on glasses that will start a conversation.  I've rounded up the top trend-setting designer looks for 2015 so if you are thinking it's time to invest in the next generation of eyewear, here's a good starting-off point.

Miu Miu Rasoir Sunglasses via
Valley Eyewear "A Dead Coffin Club" via

Gentle Monster Trinity Sunglasses via  (unfortunately the Trinity model is out of stock but check out their other reimagining of classic eyewear shapes below!!)

Dior So Real Sunglasses via
Round Ray Ban sunglasses via

Gucci Flora Sunglasses via

Swarovski SK0061 via

If you are a fan of these designer looks, many independent opticals in your local area will also carry these frames in house. Stop in, try them on, and you can also use your insurance to help purchase any prescription eyewear. Great fashion, health protection from damaging UV, and you'll see better? What's not to love?

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1 komentárov

  1. Great blog The biggest trend for eyewear this year? Make a statement. There's no denying the most buzz-worthy eyewear this year has been daring and different. Eyewear collections for 2015 have been all about pushing your fashion limits and taking a chance on glasses that will start a conversation.Thanks for sharing...........

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