
CooperVision Discontinues Several Hydrogel Contact Lenses

7:00 AM

The world is moving to either single use or silicone hydrogel contact lenses, and CooperVision acknowledged that trend recently by announcing plans to discontinue some of its older hydrogel contact lens options. They cited a major movement in contact lens fitting trends in the first few months of 2014:  44% of hydrogel lens wearers were refit to silicone hydrogel lenses and 44% of multiple wear lens wearers were refit into daily disposables (data from CooperVision).  With so many options for better health and better comfort, the days of old hydrogrel lenses seem to be numbered with multiple companies restructuring their product lineups to ditch old materials in favor of healthier options.

I was surprised to see Proclear EP as a discontinued lens since I do find it effective for very early presbyopia, but full multifocal contact lenses are getting better at limiting distance distortion, and using a silicone hydrogel lens like Biofinity MF with low adds will give the added benefit of monthly lens wear and higher oxygen transmissibility.  via

The three lenses that are being discontinued are Biomedics 55 UV, Biomedics 38, and Proclear EP. As of 12/31/2014 trial lenses will no longer be available for order, and no boxes will be available to purchase in any of these lens products as of 10/31/2015.  Here are the recommended refit options for the products being discontinued:

Biomedics 55 UV and Biomedics 38 (also called Sofmed or Ultraflex):

  • to keep with 2 week disposal, refit to Avaira
  • to change to monthly disposal, refit to Biofinity
  • upgrade to daily disposable
Proclear EP (also called Biomedics EP):
  • change to monthly replacement Biofinity MF with low add
  • upgrade to daily disposable multifocal in low add
Lenses that are not included in the slated discontinuation plans include Biomedics XC, Vertex Toric, and Frequency 55 (Encore Premium).  These hydrogel lenses will likely have a limited future based on the trends CooperVision is citing as the cause of their decision since these lenses are also older hydrogel materials. Additionally all of those above products are not even listed on the CooperVision website as current products except by going to an "additional lenses" section.  It's not a bad idea to consider refitting patients wearing CooperVision's other older hydrogel lens materials as well to be proactive to possible changes in the near future.  If you have a patient with silicone hydrogel intolerance, Proclear Compatibles and Proclear 1-Day offer great alternatives (and they are listed on CooperVision's site as part of their product family which makes me feel comfortable that there are no plans to remove these lenses in the near future).

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  1. I currently have CooperVison Proclear EP +5.50 for both eyes. Which brand/type do I now switch to and what power?

    1. I would recommend trying the new Biofinity Energys lens. A little near boost like EP without compromising distance vision.

    2. I was using Biomed 55 for almost 29 years and completely happy. Tried using the Infinity and a total fail. Couldn't see near at all. The doctor seems shocked that a mid 50s male doesn't need biofocals. Then tried 55 Premier Spherical. Not as comfortable and see worse. The doctor is boosting them .25 when my old ones were fine and prescription never changed for almost 30 years. This is horrible!

  2. For me the transition is too drastic. When I move my eyes from near to far object I get blurred vision for a moment. Also, Biofinity lenses are way too thin. I wear make up and when particles of my mascara get on the lenses it is very difficult to clean them up (they roll into a tube shape on my finger) I never had this problem with Proclear; they held their shape very well. I feel desperate I will not find a good alternative to Proclear EP

    1. That's too bad, there really aren't any similar options besides this. You can try an aspheric optic lens like Acuvua Vita (monthly) or MyDay (daily) and see if it gives you enough near range. Otherwise you're stuck with full fledge multifocals which will be much more drastic.

  3. Thank you very much for your response. Could you please tell me if Acuvue Vita is the same as Acuvue 2. I have read good reviews of Acuvue 2; if I understand correctly they are made of the same material (hydrogel) as Proclear used to be, so they are not so thin as Biofinity.

    1. Acuvue 2 is made out of a hydrogel material similar to Proclear, but it has no reading enhancement. I would expect you to get great comfort, but there is no near boost in that lens. Acuvue Vita is made of silicone hydrogel (not like Proclear) but most people do get a small near boost (not as much as Proclear EP) due to the aspheric optic design. So neither are perfect matches, but might be the best you can do.

  4. This is very helpful. Thank you so much. I had a follow up appointment with my eye doctor yesterday (unfortunately before I could see your last response). He offered me Bausch Ultra instead of Acuvue for a two-week trial. He said he did not have Acuvue in stock and he never heard of Acuvue Vita, only Acuvue 2. In his words "these are the most abused lenses on the market" because people tend to wear them for more than two weeks.

    Bausch feels like an improvement compared to bifocals but I now have some discomfort reading up close. So I will talk to him about Acuvue Vita. Thanks again.

    1. You're welcome! Acuvue Vita is brand new- the first time Acuvue has launched a monthly disposable lens. You can check it out here: http://www.eyedolatryblog.com/2016/06/new-monthly-contact-lens-acuvue-vita.html?m=1

  5. I currently use Proclear EP and am wearing my last pair.
    I had an exam this week and my RX has changed a little but I need to order new lenses and my new eye DR says I can switch to Proclear non EP but which ones are best for me? She was not very specific. I have a latex allergy.

    1. There is no lens exactly like proclear EP on the market. Regular proclear sphere lenses will feel the same, but don't have the extra boost of reading vision that EP lenses had. Their new product Biofinity Energys has the extra near boost, but are made out of a different material (silicone hydrogel). To make the best recommendation your doctor would have you decide if you want to the lenses to feel the same or see the same as Proclear EP.

  6. Hi!

    I have been wearing Proclear EP for a long time now. I can't see far away (I'm a -4.00). I also work at a computer for 11+ hours a day. When I went to the eye doctor last year, they said a have a very slight astigmatism. Not sure if that's why I was recommended to use Proclear EP. All I know is that they have worked perfectly for me. I am on my last pair. I am very stressed out and nervous and getting ready to go on a long vacation. I'm not clear as to whether I need a multifocal lens or not. Price is a concern for me. I was getting the Proclear EP for I believe $20 something a box. It seems multifocals are anywhere from $39 up to around $100 a box. Do not want to double my costs. Any advice/recommendations/suggestions/words of wisdom? I will be greatly appreciative. I am going to see an eye doctor tomorrow, most likely, but would like your thoughts first. I want something that functions the same, feels the same (or similar), and not too much of a cost increase. Thank you so much, in advance!!!


    1. Hello! The most similar lens to Proclear EP visually on the market now is Biofinity Energys. It is not made out of the same material, but if you want a lens that feels the same and aren't as concerned with the vision aspect you can chose to use the other remaining Proclear products. I would recommend Energys as the best starting place since you can expect a similar visual design.

  7. Thank you for your very informative blog! I found it recently when needing to try a new type of contact lense, as I have been using Biomedics 55 UV for many years. My new (her colleague is retiring soon) optometrist had me try the Ultra.

    They are awful for me. I was always aware of them on my eyes, and I had clouded vision and they seemed to dry out so quickly. One of my eyes would just tear up at random times, even after I had taken the Ultras out. Maybe I have an intolerance to the material?

    After 10 days I put my old Biomedics in and oh they feel so good. I am feeling in a panic and sure wish I had bought a 10 year supply....I have been wearing contact lenses since 1972, starting with hard lenses and have never had a problem with any of them before.


    1. Dr. LDecember 7, 2016 at 6:53 PM
      Hello! It sounds like you may be intolerant to silicone, but don't worry you have plenty of options. Proclear, Bausch and Lomb's Soflens, Acuvue 2, and various daily disposable lenses are all available without silicone. There are no discontinuation plans on any of these lenses at this time, but long term it's not a bad idea to get comfortable with the idea of daily disposable lens options. Companies may decide to discontinue their old, low oxygen contact lenses like what Cooper has done recently but we know dailies are here to stay due to the safety profile and low infection risk. It may not happen in the next 5-10 years, but it's likely the future of contact lenses based on what's happening in Europe and Asian countries already.

    2. Hi Dr. L. Just wanted to give a little follow up. When I saw my optometrist, she said that the Ultra were covered with protein deposits (this was after only 3 days of wearing them), which is why my vision was clouded while wearing them! She admitted that with her patients who have tried the Ultra, there has only been about a 50 percent success rate.

      I have now been wearing the Acuvue Vita for about 2 weeks. These have been very comfortable for me and I am very happy with my vision through them. I am much relieved....

      Thanks for your help and informative blog.

    3. Hello Dr. L:
      Well here it is a year and a half later and I still do not have any contact lenses which I can comfortably wear.
      So far I have tried to wear 4 different silicone hydrogel contact lenses without success and yet my optometrist wants me to try another brand. NO. I am very tired of my eyes itching most of the day and hurting in the morning. She refuses to consider an older style lense and says my only option is Daily disposable.
      I do not like the idea of dailies for several reasons: they are bad for the environment (all that transportation....) and they are very costly, seven times higher than my previous oh so comfortable Biomedics 55. Plus, what a pain bringing enough with you on a long trip of several months duration.

      The ones I tried were: Ultra (protein the first day), Acuvue Vita (serious itching after wearing for a month or two, but good vision), Air Optix (protein the first day of wearing), and Biofinity (itching and severe redness). I also tried, at the optometrist's suggestion, using hydrogen peroxide to cleanse, but this made the Biofinity feel even worse.
      I have been wearing soft contacts since 1976 and never had a problem before, with any of them.
      Another question: The Vitas were 14.0, bc 8.4, but the Biofinitys were 14.0, bc 8.6. Shouldn't one or the other be better for me?

    4. Unfortunately there is a good chance that any multiple wear silicone hydrogel contact lens (acuvue vita included) will not work with your body chemistry based on the symptoms you describe. The good news: daily disposable contact lenses are recyclable, so you don't have to worry as much about environmental impact, and actually the waste created by using contact lens cleaning solutions like you would with a multiple wear lens is more than the packaging of daily disposable contact lenses! Most brands of daily disposable contact lenses today are less than $1 a day to wear lenses. Refractive surgery is always an option however if you are feeling that contact lens wear is just not right for you anymore. Every year 20% of contact lens wearers stop wearing lenses, most due to the irritation you site. Our bodies can reject the proteins that accumulate on contact lenses with repeated wear, creating an allergy known as Giant Papillary Conjucntivitis. Once your body is "allergic" to contact lens proteins, wearing the same contact lenses multiple days in a row becomes next to impossible no matter what brand, diameter, or base curve.

  8. Thank you for taking the time to reply to me, it is much appreciated. I have looked into the options you have listed and will discuss them with my optometrist this weekend. I noticed that the Proclear do not have UV protection, something that I have liked having over the years. Though I do have a good quality pair of sunglasses, it is extremely sunny where we live in the summer.

    My daughter was prescribed Air Optix at a young age and the doctor said he wanted her to have the high oxygen permeability. But he said I didn't need that, as I had worn contacts for so long, and even wearing 16 hours everyday they were always comfortable. She was very sensitive to the solutions and was on the 4th one, luckily she tolerated it; she is chemically sensitive to a lot of things in medicines.

    I had always been fine with all the solutions all my life, until I tried BioTrue which was a nightmare for me, felt like sand in my eyes. I was able to give the bottles away to my son to use.

  9. Happy New Year!

    I came across this thread trying to dig up more info about Biofinity Energys. I gave them a try but I honestly can't tell the difference between them and the normal Biofinity lens, even though I am a heavy computer and digital device user. I've experimented with looking at my computer screen and then looking off-screen with both lenses but the vision remains clear and my eyes appear to recous instantly regardless of which lens I use.

    I'm wondering if I might be better served getting dailies instead with aspheric curves (like MyDay), while the touted near boost of the Energys is better tailored for those that have specific types of vision problems that a near boost would have a more dramatic impact on (such as those with presbyopia).

    Any insights appreciated!

    1. Doesn't sound like you are needing a lens with a near boost if you can adjust just fine after focusing on the computer with the regular Biofinity lens. MyDay is also aspheric design but I wouldn't expect you to notice any vision differences versus the regular Biofinity. Just more comfortable!

    2. Thanks for your response! I've been wearing aspheric lenses for a long time, Aquatech brands that I think is the rebranded version of the phased out Biomedics 55. Not a bad lens, they probably spoiled me because I have never noticed any distortions from computer usage or night time driving, BUT they do dry out quickly, (probably because I don't blink as much as I should when working with computers), and I think this has been a greater factor in eye strain than not having near boost. Can't wait to finally give dailies a try when my trials come in. Thanks again for your insights!

  10. Hi

    I currently wear Frequency 55 Encore Premium monthly. I have been wearing these for many years. I am down to the last box and have been told Coopervision stopped manufacturing. I went to Eye Dr he gave me sample of Air Optix they were very uncomfortable. Can you recommend an alternative that were soft and thin like the Encore brand?

  11. Hi

    Me again. The contacts that have been disc are Vertex Sphere (Encore Sphere) not sure if these are the same as Frequency 55 from my last msg. I am looking for replacement similar to theses monthly.

    Thanks Jin

    1. Within CooperVision products Proclear (monthly) is most similar. Vertex is actually approved as a 2 week disposable lens due to its low oxygen transmission, so you'll probably feel most similar in 2 week lenses like Soflens 38 from Bausch and Lomb. The reason you didn't like Air Optix is because it's a silicone hydrogel lens and you've been wearing hydrogel lenses. Besides Proclear there aren't really any monthly hydrogel lensss out there, so 2 week and daily disposable will likely be the choices for you now.

  12. My brand for over 15 years which I loved loved loved was vertex encore. (-8.50 in both eyes). Currently working with my eye doc and so far tried the air optic and not comfortable. I the "trying phase". What are some lenses equivalent to vertex encore. I wish I had bought more before they discontinued. Seems I will be experimenting with trial pairs for s few weeks. I'm active, summer a swimmer, and work on computer. Been wearing lenses for 40 years plus. Anyone please feel free to make suggestions as it seems I have to make them to my doctor so he orders me trials

    1. Within CooperVision products Proclear (monthly) is most similar. Vertex was approved as a 2 week disposable lens due to its low oxygen transmission, so you'll probably feel most similar in older hydrogel 2 week lenses like Soflens 38 from Bausch and Lomb or Acuvue 2 from Johnson and Johnson Vision Care.

  13. I am having the same problem, the new range made my etes itchy and not comfortable at all. I was looking for the old ones but its not sold anywhere. Im in malaysia and i realised i dont have any good replacement until now. The discontinuation step is really really really horrible. And i dont know what to do. Could u suggest me some brand that might be suitable?

  14. Hi,
    I have been wearing Vertex sphere by Coopervision for a very long time. BC-8.6, DIA-14.2 and PWR -8.00,
    Yes I know I'm blind! So here's the thing. My Dr. (who is a new Doc for me b/c I moved) wants me to switch to a higher power lense. I have done this in the past and just recently I tried it again and felt very uncomfortable, dizziness, headaches etc and it made my near vision bad. Right now my near vision is fine and I prefer not to mess with it! I am 40 so I know that will eventually be a thing. Long story short Coopervision stopped making that lense and to me it was by far the most comfortable. I didn't have a complaint about my vision. I passed my drivers eye exam b/c I had to get a new license moving here. So my ? is now what? Which should I try? This new Dr. has had me in one for astigmatism which I promptly gave right back they hurt so bad, another lense and now 1 day acuvue moist but the vision isn't as crisp as my vertex even though it's the same power. What gives? I am soo frustrated and need to order contacts asap and this Dr is awful!
    Please advise and many Thank you's!

    1. I don't want to be discouraging, but there is no lens on the market that is identical to Vertex Sphere. Your best bet at future happiness is to not compare any new lenses you try to what you remember about that lens (I know it's hard!) and judge them by their own merit. There's no going back unfortunately. With that being said, I'd recommend trying the Proclear brand because it's the most similar lens to Vertex that CooperVision still makes.

  15. Hi, I too used Vertex Sphere for years without problem until I hit 50 and my near vision became poorer. I've trialled MANY multi focal brands since with my doctor and the only brand that has been comfortable has been Biofinity multifocals however they do not make strengths in -25 increments above -6.00 and I require -7.25. Any suggestions please??? I'm desperate here! Thanks!

    1. It depends! Sometimes in this case patients are happiest with a -7.50 in their dominant eye and a -7.00 in the non dominant. What you see out of the lens depends on how your brain is using the power profile, so this is just a starting place. All multifocal lens wearers compromise, so don't feel frustrated -- this happens to everyone! So many of my patients in lower power ranges could use a -2.13 for example, but no one makes that either.

  16. Hi,

    Could you suggest what lens I could use as a replacement to Frequency 55? 8.7, 14.2, -2.25


    1. The other monthly contact lenses still being made by CooperVision are Biofinity and Proclear. Those would be a great place to start!

  17. I have been using Biomedics 38 for about 10 years or so and have been told by my current optometrist that it has been discontinued. Tried Bausch and Lomb but it's not as comfortable. Any recommendations?

    1. The other 2 week lens made by Cooper is called Avaira Vitality, or you could try Biomedics XC which has not yet been discontinued (but may be in the near future since trials are no longer available).

  18. Hi,

    I've been wearing Biomedics XC for years and have been happy with them. My eye doctor can no longer order them because they are being discontinued and is recommending the Avaira Vitality instead. Are these the best replacement for the Biomedics XC?

  19. Hi,

    I have been using Biomedics XC for a few years and have to switch because they are being discontinued. I tried the Avaira Vitality, but they were stinging my eyes. Can you suggest another lense to try?

    1. You may be sensitive to silicone and do better with a hydrogel product like Proclear or Proclear dailies. Your doctor can help you find out why you are getting the stinging sensation.

  20. Good day!
    I've been using Biomedics 55 (BC 8.9 -6.0/-7.5) for 6 or 7 years. When they've switched to aspheric design, i've started to experience issues with that, wearing of linses is confortable, but quality of vision became significantly poorer. I've compared old 55 and new 55 Evolution at same time - new one is like 0.5 d weaker, but they are different only in design - it's aspheric. Look like I have issues with aspheric contact lenses.
    Can you, please, suggest possible replacement?

    1. Unfortunately there’s no exact replacement. You’ll just have to keep working with your doctors to find the best option for you. There’s no 1 lens that will be an equal comparison.

  21. I was using Biometics 55

    I see you suggest 2 replacement options but the DIA and BC number are not an exact match, how important are these.

    Biofinity are 8.6 and 14 where I currently use 8.6 and 14.2 for my older Biomedic 55

    1. That's what your doctor will evaluate when you see them for a new contact lens prescription! If the lens doesn't move or fit properly, they'll have to try something different.

  22. What do you recommend as a replacement for avaira torics. Tried vitality but starts irritating near end of day unlike the other ones and I’ve tried biofinity Toric great for vision not really comfortable. I maybe intolerant to silicone hydrogel not sure

    1. Avaira Toric, Avaira Vitality, and Biofinity are all silicone hydrogel. Daily disposable lenses are likely your best bet if multiple wear lenses are causing issues. MyDay Toric uses the same great vision design of Biofinity Toric!

  23. I had avaira torics for a couple of years I liked them the vitalitiea begin to irritate my eyes after a while and biofinitys are a little uncomfortable. What do you recommend as suitable replacements for the avaira torics with astigmatism?

    1. You may do best with a 1 day disposable lens like MyDay Toric!

  24. I just want to say that I think it's just disgraceful that all of the companies are going to silicone hydrogels. A LOT of people have had bad reactions to these and can no longer wear contacts. Why, oh why, can't you go back to making 2 week hydrogel lenses? Oh, I know, it's all about MONEY!

    1. Luckily there are ton of hydrogel daily disposable lenses available on the market, even with many of the older, less breathable, 2 week products being discontinued.

  25. Its just the opposite for me. I was wearing Biomedics 55 and also Sofmed 55. They both were so thin they always tore at first use and it was always my right eye that would tear/rip, i was throwing them away almost daily and they were meant for a 2 weeks wear but i never wore them longer than 1 week or less because they always tore. My last ones were for reading as well as vision and a trial pair to find out if i could tolerate the difference since they were for both reading and vision and i would need to get used to them, but they were terrible and also were thin and tore very very easily. I couldnt read anything and they seemed to get dirty real fast and very cloudy and also would dry out my eyes real fast.
    I just came across this site and I dont know if this is the right place to be asking this question or if i should post my question elsewhere, but would you have a recommendation of a different brand to ask for when i go back for another upcoming eye exam?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. With your experience of the lenses getting build up on them really quickly, a daily disposable contact lens will probably be the best option!

  26. I wore Biomedics XC lenses for years, my eye doc switched me to Acuvue Oasis which I had for 2 years and absolutely hated. My new eye doc switched me back to the Biomedics XC which were always so comfortable. We didn’t realize they have been discontinued. What is the best substitution for them? Thank you!

    1. Your most similar options would be Proclear (monthly or daily versions).

  27. I currently use vertex sphere OD 8.9 14.2 -1.25 and OS 8.6 14.2 -1.25. Vertex sphere is discontinued and 8.9 is difficult to find. What do you suggest
